General Pass

Unlimited Seminars, Selected Workshops

Designed to cater to business professionals and technology enthusiasts, we present various seminar and workshop sessions spread over the Main Hall, Business, Technology & Innovation tracks. Embodying the spirit of “Building for the Future”, SIRCLO brings together industry experts and practitioners to learn about the latest e-commerce and digital trends that can assist businesses of all sizes to step into another phase of growth.

Entrepreneur Pass

Growth Hack Workshop for Local SMEs, Unlimited Event Access

Beyond creating promotional plans, digital marketing encompasses the ways in which brands comprehend and engage with consumers, keep track of emerging trends, as well as offer a diverse range of content. That said, the common challenge faced by brands often pertains to the complexities involved in effectively promoting their products and services, particularly through digital platforms.

In this workshop, we welcome local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to learn the ins and outs of digital marketing that is both effective and appealing to customers, to accelerate the growth of your business. The session will also feature relevant case studies and exercises, including methods to harness the live commerce trend.

Get ready to bring your skills to new heights and make the most out of this learning experience led by industry experts. By joining this workshop, you will moreover gain unlimited access to all Seminars and Exhibition Area in E-Commerce Expo 2023: powered by SIRCLO.