Welcome to MAGE.ID Community

The community of Mage.ID

Our community consists of developers, merchants and retailers, agencies, solution and technology partners. Since 2016, we are honored to be appointed as the host for Meet Magento event in Jakarta.  Our event brings great speakers coming from around the world, You will also hear first hand success stories from local e-commerce practitioners.

The purpose of this community is to build a platform where members can grow together and help each other within the local e-commerce ecosystem via events, webinars, articles and education, etc 

Make sure to join our mailing list to get latest updates and news.


Part of global Meet Magento Community

Mage.id is part of the global community managed by Magento Association. Be a part of this vibrant ecosystem by registering yourself as member of Magento Association. Through Magento Association, there are over 40 countries, including India, USA, Singapore, UK, Indonesia, Mexico, Italy, Poland, Baltics, Sweden, and more, who hosts Meet Magento events. Here are some of the upcoming events worldwide.

New York

New York


With an aggressive focus on reinventing eCommerce, Meet Magento brings its internationally renowned program to the heart of New York City. Meet Magento NYC is the once-a-year opportunity to meet face-to-face with Magento peers.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2022
Pier Sixty, New York
